Friday, October 8, 2010

YMCA Contract Sportsplex Pool

I am, and always have been, a strong supporter of the YMCA expansion pland in downtown Brandon. It is a great project and it will benefit the community as a whole for generations.

I was disturbed, however, when the decision to close the Sportsplex was made at the last moment and with little debate, and then appended to the MOU contract between the City and the YMCA. Important policy deicisons MUST be made in a transparent fashion and not sprung on the city and City Council at 10:30pm on a Monday night with no notice. It is this kind of secretive ad hoc decision making which weakens a city, regardless of the issue.

If elected Mayor, I will continue to support the YMCA's plan to expand their facility and will continue the cities committment to fund it.
I also remain committed to keeping the Sportsplex open.

If elected Mayor, I will start an open process of discussion between the parties involved. Both of these facilities are needed to fulfill the City's obligation to provide recreation facilities to our citizens, especially youth and seniors.

Brandon is poised to undergo another round of population growth and now is exactly the wrong time to stifle that growth by closing recreational facilities.

I am confident that a compromise can be worked out by negotiation which will satisfy the needs and desires of both groups, and do so inside a budget that we can all afford.

It is always best in my opinion, to be honest with people and to deal with issues like this in a forthright and open manner, and it is my intention to do so.

I remain committed to the YMCA facility and the Sportsplex Pool. At the end of the day, I think everyone will be happy with the solution that can be achieved when all parties are at the table.

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